1.1. The Environmental Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) defines the principles to be followed by the companies of the Group of companies of UAB ME HOLDING NT (hereinafter referred to as the Company), in order to preserve the environment and its resources, and to minimize the impact of the Group Companies on climate change.
1.2. The aim of the Policy is to define the general provisions and principles of environmental protection of the Group Companies, in accordance with which the environment is preserved and the impact on climate change is reduced. By following the Policy, the Group Companies aim to comply with the requirements of the legislation binding on its activities and to serve as an example for the rest of the Group Companies in the area of Sustainability and the development of good practices.
1.3. For the purposes of this Policy, the following terms shall have the meanings set out below:
1.3.1. BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) shall mean the international standard for assessing, evaluating and validating the sustainability of buildings.
1.3.2. Group Company shall mean an entity directly and/or indirectly controlled by the Company, regardless of the nature of the entity's activities or the jurisdiction in which it operates, including the Company;
1.3.3. ISO 14001 shall mean an environmental management system standard that specifies requirements to improve an organisation's efficiency by reducing costs while minimising environmental impacts.
1.3.4. GHG shall mean greenhouse gases.
1.3.5. Sustainability (sustainable development) shall be understood in the Group Companies as the multi-faceted commitment of the Group Companies to achieve a sustainable balance between economic and social development and environmental needs. The Group Companies share the view that economic development, social̇ development and environmental protection are interrelated and complementary components of sustainable development.
1.4. Other terms used in the Policy shall have the same meaning as defined in environmental legislation.
2.1. In order to contribute to the mitigation of climate change, the Group Companies hereby set environmental priorities:
2.1.1. Monitoring of energy consumption in facilities managed by the Group's Companies and increasing the use of renewable energy resources in the Group's Companies' operations, with the aim of improving energy efficiency and protecting the environment;
2.1.2. Reduction of GHG emissions in the Group's Companies’ operations by focusing on working conditions and optimising processes and activities in order to minimise environmental impact;
2.1.3. Waste management, responsible sorting;
2.1.4. Dissemination of information on environmental requirements and best practices within the Group's Companies, communication with sustainable external partners who adhere to the principles of sustainable development, monitoring of the Group's Companies' environmental impact.
2.2. The Group's Companies shall be guided by the Sustainable Development Principles and therefore use the principles that have the greatest impact on the environment in their operations:
2.2.1. The Group Companies undertake to comply with all environmental requirements and other regulatory legislation that are mandatory in the conduct of the Group Companies’ business activities and that affect decisions relating to any environmental impact of the activities of the Group Companies;
2.2.2. The Group's Companies shall be committed to ensuring that environmental issues within the Group's Companies are dealt with in accordance with the highest international standards, using modern tools and efficient processes;
2.2.3. The Group's Companies aim to invest in the development of renewable energy and to use as much green energy as possible in their operations, thus reducing their environmental impact;
2.2.4. The Group's Companies strive to use technological solutions to optimise the operational processes that directly affect the environmental impact of the Group's Companies’ activities, by reducing the cost of energy resources in the facilities managed by the Group's Companies, and by implementing measures to prevent environmental impact: to promote the rational and sustainable management and use of water and other resources, and to encourage the responsible and efficient use of energy, by engaging in mitigation of the impact of the Group's Companies' activities with the involvement of the employees, customers, suppliers, contractors of the Group's Companies;
2.2.5. The Group Companies are committed to reducing, sorting and recovering the amount of waste generated by Group Companies;
2.2.6. The Group Companies undertake to monitor, control and openly communicate to employees, customers, investors and other stakeholders on an ongoing basis the objectives, actions and performance of their environmental performance.
3.1. In order to implement the environmental protection principles and guidelines described above, the Group's Companies are using/planning to use the following measures:
3.1.1. Assessment and reduction of the climate-related aspects of the Group's Companies’ operations;
3.1.2. Setting the Group's Companies’ objectives and formulation of targets related to increasing the use of green energy, reducing water consumption at the Group's Companies' facilities, and reducing the amount of fuel consumed by vehicles, taking into account the possibilities of using less polluting means of transport in the Group's Companies' operations;
3.1.3. Seeking alternative solutions in the organisation of the Group's Companies to reduce GHG emissions in their day-to-day activities (reduction of business trips by replacing them with alternatives such as meeting remotely via the internet, optimising visits, etc.);
3.1.4. The aim is to certify the Group's Companies’ buildings according to BREEAM by selecting environmentally friendly technologies and materials;
3.1.5. The aim is to ensure continuous improvement of the Group's Companies’ environmental performance, Group Companies are encouraged to adopt the ISO 14001 standard;
3.1.6. Continuous prevention by drawing the attention of employees, customers, suppliers and contractors to the use of sustainable solutions in activities related to Group Companies;
3.1.7. Internal audits of the Group's Companies, monitoring of the results, analysis thereof and provision of comments and suggestions on Sustainability and environmental impact reduction issues;
3.1.8. Development of the competence of the Group's Companies’ employees and a responsible attitude towards environmental protection.
The Policy shall be approved and amended by resolution of the General Manager of the Company.